"Wellness care allows me to be a better best friend."

pet wellness plans in north hollywood, ca

Cat and Dog Wellness Plans in North Hollywood, CA

Your pet’s wellness doesn’t start and end with a visit to us. It is ongoing and changes regularly throughout their lives. At Blue Cross Pet Hospital in North Hollywood, we offer comprehensive pet wellness plans so we can better assess their well-being and tailor our preventive care to meet their exact needs. This effort, though, does not rest solely on us! As the pet parent, you know your pet best of all, so we want to draw on your knowledge, too, and apply that to our comprehensive understanding of your pet.

Call us today at (818) 980-1313 to start your pet's wellness plan.

What to Expect at Our Wellness Exams

Your pet needs to see the vet annually and sometimes more often depending on their condition and their age. Regular visits mean we can more easily prevent illness from progressing by catching it early, and in the best-case scenario, we can prevent it altogether. Each exam is tailored to fit your pet’s individual needs and to address their specific concerns. For pet wellness care, we include the following in the exam:

  • Going over medical records with you
  • Full physical
  • Dental exam and teeth cleaning (if necessary)
  • Skin check (including ears and eyes)
  • Weight measurement
  • Vaccinations, if due
  • Yearly fecal test
  • Deworming every 6-12 months
  • Regular blood test screenings for senior pets
  • Parasite prevention (fleas, ticks, and heartworms)

Support for Shelter Pets

We believe that every animal deserves a happy, healthy life with a forever family, so to show our appreciation to you for giving a shelter pet just that, you can bring them in for their first exam for free! If you’ve recently adopted a new cat or dog, no matter their age, they will need to see a veterinarian right away. We can assess their health and make sure they’re in tip-top shape.

dog and girl playing outside

There’s More to It Than Physical Health

Beyond their physical well-being, pets have emotional and mental needs, too. When those needs aren’t met, sometimes your pet could develop behavioral problems. If you’re concerned about your pet’s behavior, we can address those during pet exams. In fact, one of our RVTs is a licensed behaviorist and dog trainer who can help you and your pup through any communication and behavior issues.

Call us at (818) 980-1313 to start your pet's wellness plan today!

dog chewing up papers