If you’ve ever noticed your dog sneezing, you might wonder whether or not they have allergies. Dogs sneeze for a wide variety of reasons, but one of the many is seasonal allergies. Learning to recognize some of the other signs of dog allergies may help you better determine whether or not you think this could be a problem for your dog.
Of course, you should always speak to your veterinarian in North Hollywood about any concerns you have regarding your dog’s health. However, by closely observing your dog’s behavior and symptoms, you can be better informed and ready to talk to the vet when the time comes.
In this article, you’ll learn some of the most common signs of allergies in dogs as well as which types of allergies they may correspond to. You can find out which symptoms may just be your dog being a dog and which are more likely to be signs of something else. If you have any questions, call Blue Cross Pet Hospital at (818) 980–1313.
Runny Nose and Sneezing
If you notice your dog sneezing when playing or enjoying themselves, this is normal dog behavior—they’re just being a dog! Sneezing while playing and having fun is dog language, and it’s meant to show other dogs that they’re harmless and playing around. Of course, as a human, it can seem alarming to you, but pay attention to your dog’s other behaviors while sneezing to see if this could be the cause.
If not, then they may have seasonal allergies or may have come into contact with pollen or another allergen. Many times, allergies that cause sneezing also cause a runny nose, so pay attention to this as well.
Watery Eyes
Watery eyes are another common sign of seasonal allergies or contact allergies in your dog. If your dog is allergic to a certain plant, for example, and gets the pollen from that plant in her eyes, she will develop watery eyes.
Watery eyes are also symptoms related to a myriad of other dog illnesses, however. If your dog’s watery eyes last for more than a couple days or are accompanied by visible injury to the eye, seek vet care immediately.
Itchy Face
Dogs rub their faces on the ground, carpet, or furniture down and then because it feels good or because they’re excited. This behavior, like play sneezing, is often seen during or immediately after playing or goofing off. If your dog rubs their face without recent play, however, this is a likely sign of seasonal allergies.
Dogs may also develop an itchy face when exposed to allergens in the air such as dust or pollen. They can also start itching if they have been bitten by something, such as fleas or other insects, that cause a reaction.
Itchy Skin
Itchy skin is most commonly caused by fleas. You should always rule out the chance of fleas if you notice your dog itching more than is common for them. Some dogs are more allergic to fleas than others and may become quite sick when they have a flea infestation, so be sure to talk with your vet if you think this is the case for your dog.
Dogs who have contact allergies with plants or other substances they’re allergic to will develop itchy skin. They may break out in a rash or show signs of a fungal or bacteria infection, or they might just be very itchy.
Dogs also develop itchy skin and poor coat quality when they have an ongoing food allergy or intolerance. It can be difficult to pinpoint the specific food that causes allergies in your dog, so work with your vet to narrow down the possibilities and find a healthy, safe food that prevents your dog from itching so badly.
Itchy Paws
Itchy paws may also be caused by contact with an allergen. They are usually caused by dogs walking through grass that has been recently treated with pesticides, but they can also be caused by pollen, fleas, mites, and more.
Some dogs may chew on or lick their paws compulsively most of the time. This is a sign of boredom or anxiety, and it can also cause hot spots. Hot spots aren’t technically an allergy, but they can sometimes be caused by your dog’s reaction to her skin allergies. When hot spots form, your dog’s skin needs to be kept dry and she will likely need to wear a cone collar for a few days to prevent her from chewing on the spots and worsening them even more.
Stomach Upset
If your dog vomits or has diarrhea more than once or twice at a time, this could be a sign of a great many problems. Many dogs have a bout of diarrhea or even vomiting now and then—just like humans—and it usually passes without much trouble. But ongoing stomach upset can be a potential symptom of food allergies and intolerances.
Since vomiting and diarrhea are also symptoms of several other ailments, some of which are serious or even fatal, you should take your dog to the vet right away if her stomach upset has lasted longer than a day or two or if you think they are dehydrated.
Swollen Snout
Finally, if you notice your dog’s snout swelling, this is a definite sign of an allergic reaction. Most of the time, this happens when dogs are bitten or stung by insects or spiders. It can also happen from exposure to other allergens, however, and it’s important to try to figure out the cause of your dog’s swelling snout.
A swollen snout isn’t always a cause for alarm, but it can be a sign that anaphylactic shock is coming. Keep a very close watch on your dog and go to the vet immediately if you think there’s even a slight chance your dog might be suffering an anaphylactic reaction.
With this information, you should be able to narrow down some of the types of allergies your dog may potentially have. Take time to think about your dog’s health and consider whether or not allergies are something you should speak to your vet about. Feel free to call Blue Cross Pet Hospital at (818) 980–1313 if you have any questions.